Needs assessment (ALPHA Interview with client)
Status Report (ALPHA generated company glimpse)
Identifying the application areas (ALPHA Modulator)
Merge market segment & application areas (Merge Experts)
Identifying of experts (Forming / Team internal and external)
Starting creative process (Alpha Think Tank)

Developing master plan (approach detection and description)

Expert monitoring (effective and efficient resource management)
alphapool network  has been founded in 2002 specialized  in PR and Communication. On the basis of our daily consulting it turned out that the pure focus on communication didn’t solve most of the problems.

To consult our clients at the highest possible stage today alphapool network consists of a body of highly specialized experts. The alphapool THINK TANK develops highly efficient solutions for and with our clients.  

We don’t want to “sell” our clients concepts but we help our clients to find the straight solution and the appropriate strategy for their product to realize the targets with the
existing resources under optimized cost structures.


© 2009/10 website by alphapool GmbH